
Here’s Why 99% Of  Freelance
“Self-Taught Designers”
Are Stuck And Struggling… 
Living So Far Below 
Their Potentials.

Munachi Nwoko - CEO Miunify

I'm Munachimso Nwoko, CEO of Miunify

Although, I lead Miunify,

shaping designers and
crafting impactful designs.

... it wasn’t always this way.

I learned design from the streets of Lagos (8 years ago).

I started by looking over the shoulders of an old man, while complimenting my knowledge with YouTube videos.

I was barely trying to make ends meet.

 Hustling to gather money for my studies, younger siblings' welfare, and my feeding.

Then it dawned on me...

that’s not what I wanted

I wanted to:

Work from home…

 When I wanted and with whomever I wanted, wearing whatever I wanted.

I wanted to be able to switch clients like clothes.

And be so good and in demand that the bad clients can be burnt like used clothes.

I didn’t like waking up before the sun to beat Lagos traffic.

I wanted the soft life.

So I went through the route of freelancing.

But here’s the thing they never told me...

Truth about Freelancing and remote working

… gigs may not be regular.

You may have to wear multiple hats. Edit content, write tweets, blogs and cold DMing for clients etc.

I had to juggle a lot of things and during this process the things that mattered to me suffered.

I rarely practiced my skills.

There wasn't inspiration to work.

There was no ginger.

I know you are thinking...
If I did more research, I will be inspired right?

Guess what? I did.

I went in search of inspiration on sites like Behance, Dribbble, and Reddit …

Occasionally Pinterest.

I read books, blog posts …

Watched YouTube videos…

However, I only practiced occasionally.

I always felt guilty.

Thinking I was lazy.

But I didn't know I was missing something crucial.

Though going to the office working 9-5 may seem stressful...

It creates an avenue for maximum creativity…

It has an accountability system that keeps you motivated…

Also, rubbing minds with fellow keeps the juice flowing…

So in essence, I was lacking ACCOUNTABILITY as a result of isolation.

In search of the accountability I desperately needed, I stumbled upon a community with half the value I am offering you today…

My productivity, creativity, and finances have been 10xed since then.  

That was in 2020.

From 2020 till now, my team and I went on sharing this experience with about 2000+ high-performing and hardworking designers…

Result as at last GDC:

gdc testimoialsgdc testimonialsgdc testimonialsgdc testimonials

These designers have used this same system to skyrocket their creativity and income too!

That was their story…

Right now you have the chance to: 

  • Get accountability
  • Get Fun “portfolio-worthy”  tasks, daily.
  • Virtually hangout with designers
  • Play design games…
  • Join a rapidly growing community of designers
  • Get daily pep talks on Mindset, skillset and other crucial aspects of your design career.

The Graphic Design Challenge

GDC: Where Designers Transform, Wow Clients, and Inspire

GDC is a monthly challenge.

It focuses on bringing designers of different levels together and keeping them accountable.

We ensure you do something every workday…

We give you a foundation NOT a limit. Meaning, even when you’re done with your day's task…

You can go ahead and paint your walls.

We give you everything to ensure your skill developments is FUN and automatic, as well as our unmatched accountability experience.

Look, you and I know there are chances you’ll procrastinate.

Jeez, I do that a lot too.

But not to things that matter.

And for that reason we created an unmatched eviction experience.

Where participants get evicted due to inability to submit their task.

This keeps them on their toes… and this is how we’ve successfully accumulated a community of action takers.


This challenge is for LOGO designers,
Flyer (content) designers, and UI/UX designers.

Any application and device is allowed.

Here’s GDC’s Weekly Schedule

Daily Tasks
Each day from Monday to Thursday, design tasks are given for every participant to work on. This is to build consistency and improve design skills.
Portfolio Building
At the end of the GDC experience, you are given one day to create and update your portfolio with portfolio worthy designs done during GDC.
Game Night
Every Friday is game night for all participants we play games to ease off the week's stress and get to know each other.
Every Saturday we host industry experts on ClubHouse this is to clarify complex topics to give you an edge as a designer.
Ted Talks
This can be seen as your go-to-bed talk. We do this every night during the challenge.
Here we share insights and heart-to-heart tips on what’s working in the design industry, from client acquisition to how to deal with annoying Nigerian clients.
These activities are repeated throughout the design challenge.

So what’s the price to join the next GDC cohort?

The next GDC cohort costs the price of a soft drink.

THIS CHALLENGE WAS INITIALLY FREE and attracted a lot of mediocrity.

So, we are charging N350 to keep the sanity of the challenge… and to cover the cost of the ads that brought you here.

Our goal is to help as many designers as we can. This is why the price was kept at a level anyone serious about his growth can afford.

I am offering access to this accountability and growth seeking experience for just N350 today.

* are compulsory

Here’s A Long List Of What People Have To Say About The Challenge

gdc testimonialsgdc testimonialsgdc testimonialsgdc testimonialsgdc testimonials

So What Happens Next?

After you insert your bank details and sign up for the challenge...

the next thing is to choose the design category you’re currently in.

we currently only have the Flyer, Logo, and Ui/UX design category.

After that, you’ll be admitted into our community, depending on the time you’re reading this...

then forward everything you paid for, Immediately.



You can also choose not to invest. 

And continue doing exactly what you’ve always done (and getting what you’ve always got). 


If that’s your choice, there’s no shame or judgment here. 

But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t point out one very important fact. 

You’re here RIGHT NOW reading THIS  letter for a reason. 

Something in your life is NOT working… 

Would you say, you're comfortable with the amount you're making?

Or have you ever had a moment where you sit at your computer for hours and your blank screen is begging you to draw a line on it?

And if you could have fixed it on your own, you’d have already done it. 

So, please… 

Allow me  help you: 

By giving you the accountability, strategies, and a community
you need to live up to the potential you’ve always known you had…. 

Completely risk-free. 

Because no matter where you are right now or where you want to be.

GDC and all the bonuses I shared above are your roadmaps guaranteed to help you get there.

It sure was for me.

I can’t guarantee this will all happen to you in 30 days.

But this I can guarantee…

 investing in GDC will ensure you take a huge step closer to…

  • Getting gigs. (when you share your work as instructed)
  • Being a far better designer than you were 30 days earlier.
  •  Being more confident in yourself and your skill.
  • And finally,  getting clarity on your path as a designer.

That’s not all, you get to connect with like-minded designers… this may turn out to be a lifetime relationship.

Now, if you think you know it all. You probably do. And this is definitely not for you.


If you’re willing to admit that the way you’ve been doing things isn’t working…

And you know that there’s another level of success, accomplishment, and fulfilment you can reach with the right systems, community, and accountability…

If you’re willing to invest not just money but TIME in your craft.

Then please let us help you.
Whatever decision you make now…
I wish you success.

Munachi Nwoko, CEO Miunify.

* are compulsory


When is the next GDC starting?
This is a bi-monthly event, and it happens every 2 months. The next cohorts will begin in few days time, if you can still read this, it means it’s still open. And the seats may get filled up today, that's if it isn’t already. See for yourself here
Can I use my phone to participate in GDC?
Yes of course, come with what you have, use any app… we don’t mind. Just make sure you sign up, that's it.
Who is this challenge for?
This challenge is for any designer who wants to keep giving his/her clients unmatched values and creativity. … for any designer who wants to fight till no one can deny or undermine his creativity. … for any business owner or designer who wants to present his brand in the best possible way with designs. … for any designer who knows and believes there is more to learn. Someone who wants to improve daily.
What if I can't meet up with the demand of the challenge (time wise.)?
This challenge was designed for workers in mind, the tasks are dropped immediately after the eviction process is complete. That’s by 11 at night. Meaning the moment you wake up. You can go ahead and start… or whenever you come back. An hour a day, and you’re set. Reviews will be given in the evening or whenever you and your reviewer agree (when it’s convenient for you and your reviewer.) For the road map and our videos, they are straight to the point and short. (I don't like reading either, remember?) So you see, it’s easy. Start your journey here
What if I don't like this challenge?
Though this is highly unlikely, I understand some people may not like “cruise” or may be too sensitive, which is okay. If this happens all you have to do is shoot an email at us with proof that you applied what you were given, participated in the challenge and you still didn’t like it. Then we will refund you your complete money. How is that? Meaning you don’t have anything to fear or lose. Join the challenge here
How am I sure this will work for me?
See- lemme be frank with you, If you’re looking for a magic fix, or something deep down inside you, you know won’t work… This isn’t it. Listen, no course in the world can make you a pro overnight. None. Again the only way to do this is to consistently work on your designs. GDC makes that possible by giving you daily tasks and a FUN COMMUNITY. Pointing you to overlooked low hanging improvements you can make on your designs to make it awesome. Then making your learning more practical and time saving. And because we host events on mindset, portfolio arrangement and critics. Imagine… waking up 30 days from now to a different you. A smarter designer. A portfolio you’re proud to present. And for the first time in years, you’re ready and welcoming new clients with confidence. This experience awaits you here
What happens next?
Common! We all, the community at large, are waiting for you to take that leap of faith. We can’t wait to get a new outlaw on our team. Someone who when the doubters are doubting he/she is designing, because your work will speak for itself. Yahusa bumaranga!!!!. This page was meant to explode as I said that. Just kidding. Just click the button already 😢… it doesn’t bite.